Friday, July 26, 2013

Canned Plums!

My grandmother used to make canned plums. YUM! They were amazing. It's one of those things that I probably can't duplicate exactly, but I have to try. Canning is one of my favorite summer hobbies, so I found a local farm that has a plentiful plum supply and I couldn't resist. She normally canned purple plums, but they all taste about the same. I ended up getting the yellow variety.

Before I start any canning project, I fill the canner with hot water and get it on the stove. (Fill the canner about 1/2 full for 6-7 quarts) This way, you're water will be boiling when your jars are filled.

Wash the plums, remove the stems and trim any brown spots. I had a helper for this part!

These plums are beautiful!!

Get your jars, lids and rings ready. Wash jars in hot, soapy water (or run through a cycle in the dishwasher). Boil the lids and rings.

I place the clean jars in a water bath and let them sterilize in the oven. I set the temp at about 210-215 (212 is boiling). I leave them in for about 15-20 min.

Next, pack the sterilized jars with the clean plums. I pack them in pretty tight...

Top the plums with a basic simple syrup. How much sugar you add is totally personal preference. I used 8-9 cups of water and added about 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Give it a whisk and leave the heat on low, this way the syrup will be hot when poured over the plums.

Wipe the jar rims with a damp paper towel. This will ensure a nice, clean seal!

Top each jar with a clean lid and tighten the rings (tight, but not too tight)

Carefully place jars on the canning rack. These are ready to be dropped into the boiling water. Most standard canners will fit 7 quart jars.

Gently lower the jars into the boiling water... Make sure that they are covered completely. Process for 20 min.

Carefully remove the hot jars using a jar lifter. I place them on a towel and let them rest for 24 hrs. The lids will naturally seal. You can then rinse the jars the next day, once they are completely cooled (they might be a little sticky).  If they sit for a few months, they get even sweeter.

Can't wait to enjoy this tasty treat!